From Iron Mountain at sunset.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Out and about with the 'kids.

It was time for the annual MLK day of adventure, excitement and wearing-down of Gaga and Papa. This is a long tradition stretching back...actually, it was the first time, not the wearing-out part, though. We, the grandparents, are now in training for next year's extravaganza. We got off to a fine start when Ben began shouting, "Ducks, bread...Mommy where's bread?" We intended heading out to Lake Poway to play, feed, wet and view the birds. This would be followed by action at the playground and then a grandparent's nightmare, Chuck-e-Cheese (nearly kidding). The highlight of the day would be a climactic handover of the kids to Mom. What a treat!

Then the trouble began. Ben, who is not yet two-and-a-half, decided he would drive. The funny part is that we are not kidding. We called his bluff. He got into the front seat, inserted the key into the ignition and turned it. The radio came on and he looked ready for action. After a couple of minutes, we mentioned it was time to get into his car seat. That's when the 'snot and trane' began (heavy tears). What was he thinking? In a sense, he really expected to be driving. Just because he uses a High Pad (I-pad) does not mean that he can drive, surely? Are we too strict as grandparents? Do we hear a mountain calling?

"Will you hurry up folks!" Who's taking who for a ride?

"Where the heck does key go? Mommy's car not have key." (Ellie is very patient with her brother.)

Ellie displays her improving skills, um...amongst other things.

Identical expressions?

Some mountaineering skills.

Gaga showing signs of fatigue although the day is still young.

Pals taking a ride together.

That has to be Chucky over there. Who is more excited?

On the way home, Ben scores with a hat trick.

Ellie feeds the ducks, Ben feeds himself.

G-d bless them!


Jenni and Jeffrey