From Iron Mountain at sunset.

Sunday, December 27, 2015

A major hike in Poway for Ellie and Benny plus a few other experiences.

The avant garde colony for budding artists. Before hiking, one has to instill a cultural flavor into the young minds. Who better than the deans of modern culture!

More modern culture as the kids are entranced as they take a ride at the 'Chuck'.

Take my hand, Gaga, you are my security in the wild...alternatively, could you let me have a buck.

Gaga introduces the kids to the birds...their parents can introduce the bees.

Is it one clown or three?

"I'm scared, Papa," says Benny while Ellie shows her mettle.

Meanwhile Papa takes advantage of the situation to hug his precious little girl.

The gang hits the beach at Lake Poway while wondering from where their next snack will arise.

Taking on the toughest trail in California. Notice Benny found a hiking stick and became rather dangerous as his dexterity was somewhat challenged.

'Feed the birds, tuppence a bag.' or "I talk to the trees...birds."

"The way I see it, Benny, is that you need to be a little tougher with your folks and rather ease up on Gaga and Papa."

Real fear...

Can you feel the love for those two through the camera?

Benny does a 'duck' as the birds are about to become 'hostile'.


Jenni and Jeffrey