From Iron Mountain at sunset.

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Back to Lake Poway and a mini-Woodson.

Two of our favorite people joined us for fun and food at Lake Poway including a 'treacherous' hike in which Ellie led the way over boulders followed by young Ben, then the editor and finally, the old man. Truth be told, the kids were impressive in their enthusiasm, courage and even handing out limited hugs and the occasional kiss. A picnic at the park's grassy area followed the hike, playtime in the park was its usual energetic activity culminating in a visit to Chucky and then bedtime for Gaga and Papa. A few meaningful photographs capture a little of the spirit that prevailed. Shots of the kids eating bagels, candy, muffins and ice-cream have been censored so as not to upset their Mom.

Otherwise, what you see is what they did:

Ellie shows how a steep mountain is negotiated. Firstly, the right outfit including white pants is a good idea. It creates a history of the day.

'Okay, one for you, one for me, one for me , one for me, one for you.

The old age question, "How do I get down again?"  'Call, Mom!'

Establishing a beachhead below Woodson.

"Aw shucks! You caught me in an emotional state with the old man."

Gaga and Ellie take a position...Benny prefers to 'sit on the fence'.

Snack time in a wonderful position; it helps if you are less than four feet tall.

'You caught me Gaga...breaking bread with the ducks.'

"Little guys, it's time to stop 'horsing about'."

The swingers of San Diego.

"She ain't heavy because she's my wonderful sissie".

On the way to the lake, Ellie took to writing a story from a few years lend a little help some of the words are "terrified, tire...We'll leave the rest for you."

The struggle up the hill. "I don't need help, Papa...until I need help, Papa."

"Where are you, Gaga?...Gaga?


Jenni and Jeffrey