From Iron Mountain at sunset.

Monday, September 28, 2015

The "greatest illusionist" of all time or perhaps, not.

After a number of weeks enjoying two precious gems, our time is drawing close to returning to the mountains for a while. In the meantime, we discovered a number of new games, ideas and general silliness which raised/lowered our activities to new heights/lows respectively. We give the reader, and the kids, an opportunity to select the appropriate word.

First illusion which has been termed, using a well known South African high-English expression, "Silly Buggers". Our Props: Two grey bins. Two kids aged six and three, completely innocent before being delivered to their maternal grandparents.

An empty bin is carried in from the kitchen as witnessed by Gaga and Ellie.

Voila! How is that possible?

"Ellie, should I be worried?" Benny asks, on his ride at 'Chucky'.

The illusionist is on a roll. Another two empty bins arrive from the kitchen.

Even the 'Great Gaga' appears to be a skeptic.

Not just one but two children. How does he do it? Amazing! People from all over the world are wondering. Hmm!

Kids accept, reluctantly, an offer of ice cream to keep grandparents happy.

Time-out for Benno. This is indeed a 'tough school'.

"Okay, you play your cards right and no more time-outs today...actually, ever."

"I think Gaga went that, maybe the other way."

'The gorilla part comes from the other side of the family...can't be us, can it?'

"Anyone seen Ellie?"


Jenni and Jeffrey

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